Bishop Frederick Campbell’s support

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Columbus –
Answering the call to evangelization

Dear Friends of Catholic Radio:

The mission of Catholic radio is bringing Christ to people and people to Christ. What could be more important?

In a world dominated by expanding communication, it is essential that there be an alternative to secular media. Catholic talk radio gives everyone an opportunity to hear the truth of the Catholic faith daily. Since St. Gabriel Catholic Radio started broadcasting in August, 2005, a growing number of the station’s listeners have reported a strengthening and greater understanding of their faith. There has been at least one documented conversion to the Catholic faith attributed to listening regularly to St. Gabriel Catholic Radio’s programming. This potential power of the media can not be underestimated.

I invite you to listen to St. Gabriel Catholic Radio, where you will find encouragement to live your Catholic faith. I encourage you to make as generous a pledge as you can to the “Raise The Power” Capital Campaign to increase Catholic talk radio broadcasting through Central Ohio. Join me in supporting St. Gabriel Catholic Radio and helping to bring Christ’s truth through this modern means of evangelization.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Bishop Campbell

Most Reverend Frederick F. Campbell, D.D., Ph.D.
Bishop of Columbus