Board of Directors

Mr. Kevin Lowry
Kevin is a graduate of Franciscan University and Franklin University. He is CFO of RevLocal, a digital marketing company, and is author of How God Hauled Me Kicking and Screaming Into the Catholic Church and Faith at Work: Finding Purpose Beyond the Paycheck. He and his wife have eight children.

Fr. Dave Sizemore
Fr. Sizemore is the pastor at St. Francis de Sales and Chaplain for the Board of Directors.

Catherine Azzola
Catherine and her husband, Paul, are parishioners at St. Mary, Delaware. They are involved with the Cenacle of Mary, an organization dedicated to prayer and honoring Our Lady. Catherine is blessed with 4 kids that call her mom. She grew up in the Pittsburgh area and moved to Delaware in 2016. She is employed as the Director of Parish Administration, St John Neumann, Sunbury, and provides outsourced accounting for various businesses and non-profits. She enjoys gardening and cooking, and travels to Europe every summer.

Mr. David A. Martin
David is a corporate attorney with Bailey Cavalieri, LLC in Columbus Ohio. David volunteers with several other non-profit organizations, including Design Outreach, Columbus Catholic Men’s Ministry and Saint Paul’s Outreach. David and his wife, Michelle, and their four children are members of St. Andrew Parish.

Mrs. Angela Bonfante
Angela serves a a Board Member of St. Gabriel Catholic Radio and works with the station as voice over talent for recording radio announcements. She also provides live updates on air with the radio hosts during the fundraising events for the station.

Mr. Tim Bowie
Tim has been a supporter and volunteer for St. Gabriel Radio since the very early days of the station’s founding. In addition to his interest in the station, he loves being a life-long Catholic, has had numerous leadership and committee positions at his home parish, Seton Parish in Pickerington, the Knights of Columbus, as well as various activities with the Dioceses of Columbus over the years. He and his wife, Tina have two girls and two boys. Tim is a proud graduate and supporter of Ohio University with a degree in Communications. He has been in technology sales for over 30 years.

Mr. Jamie Caridi
Jamie brings experience in strategic planning, organizational finance, fundraising, contract negotiation, and partnership development to the St. Gabriel Radio Board. He is regarded as an authentic leader of integrity and productivity in the community.

Mrs. Lori Crock
Lori Crock is a St. Brendan parishioner, a SoulCore Rosary prayer and exercise leader, a strength coach, a Holy and Healthy columnist for the Catholic Times, a member of the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference Leadership Team and a Catholic blogger and speaker. She coordinates the Adoration program in her parish and is blessed to distribute communion at the Dublin Methodist Hospital.

Mrs. Lori Hamrock
Lori and her husband, Joe, are the parents of four children. Lori is a homemaker, a volunteer at her children’s schools, and is also involved with the St. Vincent Family Center.
St. Gabriel Catholic Radio’s mission is to reach souls with faithful Catholic teaching that inspires conversion of heart and deepening of faith while building up the local Body of Christ.