Attendee Information for the Rescue Project LIVE!
Print out your ticket. The ticket contains your name badge. Please cut out your name badge before you arrive so you do not have to wait in line or stop at the registration area. Name badge holders will be available at each seat/ table.
Request to have your tickets resent to your email.
It is important that everyone wear their name badges. This helps our security personnel determine if someone belongs in the building.
Directions and Parking
Ohio Expo Center, Celeste Building
Maps Link
Address:717 E. 17th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43211
Doors open at 7:00AM
• Ohio Expo Parking is $5 per vehicle.
• For security reasons, all attendees need to enter the building using the main entrance-no matter where you park.
• If you have special needs or if someone unable to walk around the building, you may drop them off at the main entrance and then go park.
• Handicapped accessible parking is available in a separate area in front of the Celeste Center. There will be parking volunteers if you need help.
• Do not leave any valuables visible in your car.

What to expect:
• All Seating is general admission at round tables.
• Bottled water is available during the day.
• Coffee and a light breakfast, a boxed lunch (that you chose, see bottom of your name badge), and an afternoon snack will be provided. If you have food allergies, we encourage you to consider bringing your own food.
• The day includes five talks by Fr. John Riccardo, time for reflection and discussion, worship music presented by Damascus Worship, and Mass with our new bishop, Bishop Earl Fernandes.
• The Mass is a vigil Mass and counts for your Sunday obligation. A limited number of low-gluten hosts will be available.
• Following Mass is Fr. Riccardo’s final (5th) talk.
• Hearing devices for hearing impaired and Spanish translation are available. Please look for the sign in the event area or ask a volunteer. Note you will have to provide a license or ID to secure a device.
• Volunteers will be wearing bright yellow shirts with “VOLUNTEER” on the backs. If you have a question or concern, please ask.
We look forward to seeing you there!