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Bishop Emeritus Frederick F. Campbell, of the Diocese of Columbus, contributes spiritual reflections. This copyrighted broadcast is the property of both St. Gabriel Radio, Inc and the Diocese of Columbus Communications office. Any rebroadcast or reproduction without the consent of both St. Gabriel Radio, Inc and the Diocese of Columbus Communications office is strictly prohibited.

09/25/18- Bishop Campbell- Weekly Reflection: Blaise Pascal, 17th century mathematician – Reflections on impact of telescope (revealed vastness of space) and microscope (revealed infinitesimal smallness of life); how shall mankind incorporate the silence and depth of this “new science?”

09/18/18- Bishop Campbell- Weekly ReflectionMystery of evil must be addressed, Jesus confronted evil in the desert, Evil One wants us to think evil does not exist, Church preaches how to defeat evil, evil is turning away from the good, Paradise Lost, pride to think we are our own creatures.

09/04/18- Bishop Campbell- Interview with David Martin on the crisis in the Church: Sexual abuse among clergy, how faithful are to respond to scandal, Pennsylvania cases, Columbus Diocese procedures for sexual abuse allegations, Lay Review Board, canon law and civil law, Protecting God’s Children, formation of Columbus Diocesan priests at Josephinum, accountability with College of Bishops, Cardinal Dinardo, diabolical activity, St Augustine’s City of God.

08/21/18- Bishop Campbell- Weekly Reflection: Gospel of St. John, Chapter 6 – Bread of Life Discourse Part I- Jesus asks the disciples: “Are you too going to leave?”; Part II- Connection between 2 miracles – storm on the water and feeding the 5,000: To cast away all fear and feed on the Eucharist.

07/31/18- Bishop Campbell- Weekly Reflection: Do we know how to live the “good life” or have we given in to “living a life of the goods”? Why are so many people unhappy in this age of technology, longer life expectancy and plethora of “things” that make our lives so much easier? How can we detach and live a life more fully virtuous?