The story of Duy Lam: From prison camp to God’s vineyard


Joy, gratitude, and surrender to Jesus pour out of the presence of Duy Lam. He is amazed by his own transformation when he reflects on the road he has traveled. His story spans 40 years, from the atheism and reeducation (brainwashing) forced on society by the Vietnamese Communists, the years of hard labor and beatings that he received in a Communist prison camp as a teenager, to a life today touched by God’s grace.

“I saw an AM 820 bumper magnet and discovered that it’s a great way for me to learn about the Faith. I taught myself to speak English and as an engineer, reading English isn’t my strength. I discovered that listening to Fr. Riccardo, Fr. Larry, and Catholic Answers, gave me guidance on where to find out more and what to read.”

Read Duy’s story here.

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St. Gabriel Messenger

Alex Boggs, 2013 Summer Messenger

Marilyn Booze, 2014-15 Winter Messenger

Maria Cook, 2012 Summer/August Messenger

Aureus Griffith, 2013 Fall Messenger

Cheryl Jackson, 2012-13 Winter Messenger

Janine King, 2015 Fall Messenger

Carlos Martinez, 2014 Fall Messenger

Aaron May, 2014 Summer Messenger

David Morris, 2012 Fall Messenger

Tracy Palmore, 2015 Summer Messenger

Sue Reichard, 2014 Winter Messenger

Tony Romano, 2013 Spring Messenger

John Swisher, 2014 Advent Messenger