Bethesda Healing Ministry An experience of hope, dedicated to love, welcome, and assist all who have been wounded by abortion.
The Bishop Griffin Center A “choice” food pantry and free store (clothing and household items) serving families in 5 zip codes on the east side of Columbus. Call 614-338-8220.
Brian Muha Foundation, Run the Race Helping needy children in Cleveland, Columbus, Steubenville, Weirton and Pittsburgh with school supplies, after-school snacks, tutoring, medical help, and after-school activities. We are committed to helping the children develop academically and especially morally.
Catholic Social Services Motivated by faith, Catholic Social Services helps poor and vulnerable seniors and families reach their potential.
Columbus Catholic Men Openings for Parish Captains. A Catholic Men’s Laity Ministry serving the men in the Columbus Diocese.
Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference The largest conference of its kind in the U.S., anticipates almost 4,000 attendees on February 18, 2017. Catholic speakers, Mass, Confession and Adoration, with the help of Bishop Frederick Campbell, many priests and deacons, and the Diocese of Columbus.
Damascus Catholic Mission Campus A place of encounter where generations of Catholics are AWAKENED, EMPOWERED and EQUIPPED to live the adventure of their Catholic faith. Outreach Coordinator, Christie Jenkins,, 614.302.0339
Our Lady of Guadalupe Center A haven for Hispanic families who want a better life for themselves and their families, by providing food and emergency assistance, health screenings, nutrition and English classes, legal consultations, and referrals to a number of our community partners.(614) 340-7061 or for more information.
Holy Family Soup Kitchen Holy Family Church has been helping the needy and feeding the poor since it opened in 1877. Currently the soup kitchen serves hot meals to approximately 300 people each day and provides groceries for over 125 families every week. Call (614) 461-9444 and ask for Sharon.
J.O.I.N. Provides material needs for low income families in Franklin County and functions under Catholic Charities of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus.
Ohio Right to Life The mission of Ohio Right to Life is to promote and defend the right to life of all innocent human beings, from the time of fertilization until natural death.
PDHCPregnancy Decision Help Centers provides pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, information about pregnancy and alternatives, connection to community resources, mentoring programs and post-abortion healing support at no cost.
Sacred Heart EnthronementThe act of Enthronement to the Sacred Heart is an act which takes an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and places this image at the heart of a home, a business, or even a school.
WARM Westerville Area Resource Ministry services and programs are dedicated to providing dignity and hope while restoring self-sufficiency.
Women’s Care Center Provides free, confidential counseling, support and education to women facing unplanned pregnancies. (614) 251-0200