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Bishop Campbell

12/10/19-Bishop Campbell-Living The Catholic Life: Immaculate Conception doctrine is simple: by the grace of God, from the very moment of the Virgin Mary’s conception she was free from all sin. The day also celebrates Mary as the Patroness of the United States. She teaches us that our job in life is to follow the will of God.

11/19/19-Bishop Campbell-Living The Catholic Life: Christ the King Feastday concludes the Liturgical Calendar, reminds us that Jesus is the Lord. Political ideologies like Communism, Fascism and crusade of Mexican government against Catholics of 20th Century prompted Pius XII to declare this feastday to emphasize that Jesus is King and cannot be replaced by a government or political ideology.

11/05/19-Bishop Campbell-Living The Catholic Life: Feast of All Saints and All Souls important reality for us as Catholics: Our vocation is to become holy and Christlike. Be a saint! The four aspects of holiness that we can live. The meaning of the Communion of Saints and the teaching, “Outside of the Church there is no salvation.”

10/29/19-Bishop Campbell-Living The Catholic Life: Forgetting the gift of time, the gift that God has given us to understand our experience, we can forget the patience of God and how He waits for us and follows our choices. “Teach us to count our days aright that we may gain wisdom of heart,” (Psalm 90). Practice examination of conscience at the end of each day, ask for forgiveness and give thanks.

10/22/19-Bishop Campbell-Living The Catholic Life: The pastoral letters of 2nd Letter of St Paul to Timothy addressed to a second generation of Christians who heard about Christ but had not actually witnessed Him. They were entrusted with transmitting the Faith through the coming generations, often as martyrs. Importance of knowledge of and respect for our traditions; our responsibility to preach the Gospel with missionary zeal.

10/15/19-Bishop Campbell-Living The Catholic Life: St. Luke’s gospel exemplifies St. Paul’s teaching. Especially, St. Luke recounts healings in the gospel which are not simply cures of physical health, they are accounts of restoration of the whole human person. “Arise and walk, your sins are forgiven.” Catholic apostolate of caring for the wellbeing of our neighbors through hospitals and hospitality, care and compassion.