A Prayer for St. Gabriel Catholic Radio

Crucifix in St. Gabriel Radio Chapel
Father in Heaven,
We thank you for St. Gabriel Catholic Radio and for the graces we have received through its ministry. We ask you to send the Holy Spirit to bless those in leadership. Give them wisdom, insight, and the understanding to make good and necessary decisions. Meet their needs and give them fortitude and courage.
Bless and anoint the programs, the speakers, and all who work behind the scenes so that, empowered by the Holy Spirit, they will strengthen and form your people. We pray that all who listen to this station will grow in grace and in the knowledge of faith, becoming good and faithful servants who desire your will for their lives, who draw closer to you in prayer, and who will be transformed by the Holy Word they hear.
Bless and multiply the finances so the radio signal grows stronger reaching more and more people. Send the workers needed to make this possible, so all that you desire for this station will come to be, and there will be rejoicing in Heaven and on earth. We thank you for all you have done. We thank you for all you will do. We thank you for the grace to persevere and work with patience, peace, and lasting joy. Amen.
Written by Fran Weise, long-time listener and supporter.