A Labor of Love

As a college student in the 1980s, Chip Stalter dreamed of spinning disks on the radio as a DJ. God had different ideas and led Chip to put a local spin on Catholic news. In 2007, Marc Hawk, then President of St. Gabriel Radio’s Board of Directors, invited Chip to audition for the role of host for St. Gabriel Radio’s new program, Catholic Community News. Chip committed to this volunteer role when the fledgling radio station was located on Bethel Road and he hasn’t looked back since. Listeners can hear Chip’s Catholic Community News announcements throughout the day on St. Gabriel Radio.

Headshot of Chip Staltar

Ora Et Labora

“At the Radio, we gather local news from listeners and by combing through sources like The Catholic Times and local parish websites for retreats, talks, school activities, scholarship opportunities, awards, and other Catholic events of interest to our listeners,” Chip explains.

 Skill, talent, and intense work lie behind the announcements on Catholic Community News. After combing news sources, Chip forges the diverse information into scripts, uses his own voice talent to record each segment, and then edits the audio files before sending them to Dave Orsborn, St. Gabriel Radio’s Assistant Director. Chip has faithfully donated his time and talent to create more than 5,000 news segments over the last 17 years!

Clearly, hosting Catholic Community News is much more than a personal hobby for Chip. His work achieves what St. Benedict preached: ora et labora, meaning the dignity of laboring in prayer that lifts us out of the cult of self and towards God. 

Ora et labora, the dignity of laboring in prayer.

Growing Up Catholic

Chip grew up in the Columbus area. As a cradle Catholic, he attended St. Cecilia parish. He reflects, “Back in the day, before the internet, the reach of information was limited. People didn’t know what was happening in other parishes. St. Gabriel Radio has changed that for listeners in the Diocese of Columbus.

“In my childhood, the focus of our family was centered on our own parish activities, and regular Mass attendance,” Chip reflects. Like many young people, his religious enthusiasm waned as he spread his wings in college. “Despite my reluctance to attend Mass in college, my parents insisted that I remain faithful to Sunday Mass,” he says with gratitude for this parental guidance. 

Al Kresta Drew Me In

 “In 2005, when St. Gabriel Radio was born in Marysville, Ohio, I didn’t listen much because the signal was faint in Columbus. With the move to Bethel Road, the signal was much stronger, and I discovered programs like Al Kresta in the Afternoon that drew me in,” continues Chip. “I like the mix of faith, world news, and the Catholic perspective. Dr. Marcus Peter, the new host of Ave Maria in the Afternoon (weekdays at 5 P.M.) does a good job filling the shoes of a giant.”

Two other favorite programs on the current AM 820 radio grid are the St. Gabriel Café (weekdays 8 A.M.) and Sacred Soundings with Al Romano (Saturdays 2 P.M. and Sundays 9 A.M., 2 P.M., and 9 P.M.). In fact, it’s no surprise that Al Romano’s program would hit the right chord for Chip who sings in his parish choir. As for St. Gabriel Café, Chip appreciates the chat of local people about what is happening in the local Catholic arena. “This connects listeners to fellow Catholics and to the Catholic environment here in the diocese. St. Gabriel Café keeps the local Catholic voice strong in the face of increasing national syndication of radio stations,” he points out. “This local focus on St. Gabriel Radio makes it possible for us to discover opportunities to grow in faith,” Chip says as he mentions the value of pilgrimages that are announced on air. He and his wife Susan, also a lifelong practicing Catholic, have trod several pilgrimage paths to shrines in Poland, France, Spain, Portugal, and The Holy Land with other pilgrims from Ohio and the Mid West.

Chip points out, “St. Gabriel Café keeps the local Catholic voice strong.”

Growing In Holiness

“A pilgrimage is not a vacation,” he promises. “A pilgrimage puts us in direct contact with sacred ground, history, places, images, and relics. My wife and I joined Fr. Mike Schmitz and Jeff Cavins on pilgrimage to Israel that led us to contemplate profoundly on our rich Catholic faith and the traditions born in the early Church. The experience allowed us to grow in holiness by seeing firsthand the examples of our Christian ancestors.”

The pilgrimage into the heart of faith continues for Chip. He adds, “A massive benefit of my particular role at St. Gabriel Radio has been having my eyes opened to the many and varied opportunities we have as Catholics in this diocese to learn about and grow in our faith, and the support systems available.” As a result of listening to and recording for the station, Chip learned about the Catholic Men’s Conference and now attends regularly. “I was amazed that there were thousands of Catholic men spending time on a Saturday deepening their faith.”

Living the Faith Visibly

Chip and Susan have one son and two grandchildren. Susan was thrilled at Christmas when her eldest granddaughter requested a Bible! The Stalter family makes a point of living their faith visibly. Chip gives two great examples: “We always pray a blessing before meals, no matter where we are. Susan has a devotion to the Blessed Mother and has tied tens of thousands of rosaries. She gives the rosaries away to friends, priests, confirmation groups, and anyone who’s interested.”

Chip summarizes his story: “In my faith journey, I have never had a St. Paul moment, a flash that rocked my being. Instead, God has chosen to put small rocks and sand under my feet to lift me up towards Him.” The next time that you hear Catholic Community News, please say a prayer of thanksgiving for Chip and his labor of love on St. Gabriel Radio.

Rosary made by Susan Staltar

Drop by St. Gabriel Radio for a complementary rosary, hand-tied with love by Susan Stalter. Supplies are limited!