A Labor of Love – Winter Messenger 2024-25

A Labor of Love As a college student in the 1980s, Chip Stalter dreamed of spinning disks on the radio as a DJ. God had different ideas and led Chip to put a local spin on Catholic news. In 2007, Marc Hawk, then President of St. Gabriel Radio’s Board of Directors,...

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A Labor of Love – Winter Messenger 2024-25

A Labor of Love

As a college student in the 1980s, Chip Stalter dreamed of spinning disks on the radio as a DJ. God had different ideas and led Chip to put a local spin on Catholic news. In 2007, Marc Hawk, then President of St. Gabriel Radio’s Board of Directors, invited Chip to audition for the role of host for St. Gabriel Radio’s new program, Catholic Community News. Chip committed to this volunteer role when the fledgling radio station was located on Bethel Road and he hasn’t looked back since. Listeners can hear Chip’s Catholic Community News announcements throughout the day on St. Gabriel Radio.

Headshot of Chip Staltar

Ora Et Labora

“At the Radio, we gather local news from listeners and by combing through sources like The Catholic Times and local parish websites for retreats, talks, school activities, scholarship opportunities, awards, and other Catholic events of interest to our listeners,” Chip explains.

 Skill, talent, and intense work lie behind the announcements on Catholic Community News. After combing news sources, Chip forges the diverse information into scripts, uses his own voice talent to record each segment, and then edits the audio files before sending them to Dave Orsborn, St. Gabriel Radio’s Assistant Director. Chip has faithfully donated his time and talent to create more than 5,000 news segments over the last 17 years!

Clearly, hosting Catholic Community News is much more than a personal hobby for Chip. His work achieves what St. Benedict preached: ora et labora, meaning the dignity of laboring in prayer that lifts us out of the cult of self and towards God. 

Ora et labora, the dignity of laboring in prayer.

Growing Up Catholic

Chip grew up in the Columbus area. As a cradle Catholic, he attended St. Cecilia parish. He reflects, “Back in the day, before the internet, the reach of information was limited. People didn’t know what was happening in other parishes. St. Gabriel Radio has changed that for listeners in the Diocese of Columbus.

“In my childhood, the focus of our family was centered on our own parish activities, and regular Mass attendance,” Chip reflects. Like many young people, his religious enthusiasm waned as he spread his wings in college. “Despite my reluctance to attend Mass in college, my parents insisted that I remain faithful to Sunday Mass,” he says with gratitude for this parental guidance. 

Al Kresta Drew Me In

 “In 2005, when St. Gabriel Radio was born in Marysville, Ohio, I didn’t listen much because the signal was faint in Columbus. With the move to Bethel Road, the signal was much stronger, and I discovered programs like Al Kresta in the Afternoon that drew me in,” continues Chip. “I like the mix of faith, world news, and the Catholic perspective. Dr. Marcus Peter, the new host of Ave Maria in the Afternoon (weekdays at 5 P.M.) does a good job filling the shoes of a giant.”

Two other favorite programs on the current AM 820 radio grid are the St. Gabriel Café (weekdays 8 A.M.) and Sacred Soundings with Al Romano (Saturdays 2 P.M. and Sundays 9 A.M., 2 P.M., and 9 P.M.). In fact, it’s no surprise that Al Romano’s program would hit the right chord for Chip who sings in his parish choir. As for St. Gabriel Café, Chip appreciates the chat of local people about what is happening in the local Catholic arena. “This connects listeners to fellow Catholics and to the Catholic environment here in the diocese. St. Gabriel Café keeps the local Catholic voice strong in the face of increasing national syndication of radio stations,” he points out. “This local focus on St. Gabriel Radio makes it possible for us to discover opportunities to grow in faith,” Chip says as he mentions the value of pilgrimages that are announced on air. He and his wife Susan, also a lifelong practicing Catholic, have trod several pilgrimage paths to shrines in Poland, France, Spain, Portugal, and The Holy Land with other pilgrims from Ohio and the Mid West.

Chip points out, “St. Gabriel Café keeps the local Catholic voice strong.”

Growing In Holiness

“A pilgrimage is not a vacation,” he promises. “A pilgrimage puts us in direct contact with sacred ground, history, places, images, and relics. My wife and I joined Fr. Mike Schmitz and Jeff Cavins on pilgrimage to Israel that led us to contemplate profoundly on our rich Catholic faith and the traditions born in the early Church. The experience allowed us to grow in holiness by seeing firsthand the examples of our Christian ancestors.”

The pilgrimage into the heart of faith continues for Chip. He adds, “A massive benefit of my particular role at St. Gabriel Radio has been having my eyes opened to the many and varied opportunities we have as Catholics in this diocese to learn about and grow in our faith, and the support systems available.” As a result of listening to and recording for the station, Chip learned about the Catholic Men’s Conference and now attends regularly. “I was amazed that there were thousands of Catholic men spending time on a Saturday deepening their faith.”

Living the Faith Visibly

Chip and Susan have one son and two grandchildren. Susan was thrilled at Christmas when her eldest granddaughter requested a Bible! The Stalter family makes a point of living their faith visibly. Chip gives two great examples: “We always pray a blessing before meals, no matter where we are. Susan has a devotion to the Blessed Mother and has tied tens of thousands of rosaries. She gives the rosaries away to friends, priests, confirmation groups, and anyone who’s interested.”

Chip summarizes his story: “In my faith journey, I have never had a St. Paul moment, a flash that rocked my being. Instead, God has chosen to put small rocks and sand under my feet to lift me up towards Him.” The next time that you hear Catholic Community News, please say a prayer of thanksgiving for Chip and his labor of love on St. Gabriel Radio.

Rosary made by Susan Staltar

Drop by St. Gabriel Radio for a complementary rosary, hand-tied with love by Susan Stalter. Supplies are limited!

St. Gabriel in the Family Car

As a youngster, Mark was one of the early St. Gabriel Radio listeners. Now, at the age of 26, he recalls, “I grew up listening in the back seat of the family car. My Dad supported the station from the get-go, back in 2005. St. Gabriel Radio was the only station he played when driving. So we kids heard it, like it or not, as we went with Dad on adventures, road trips, and around town! To me, as a child, it seemed like a lot of adults talking about adult things.”

Yet, Mark notes, “I was drawn to spiritual questions from an early age. Our neighbors were Muslims from Egypt. I played with their kids. At prayer time, my pal Muhammad always disappeared to pray. I found it confusing at a young age that we wouldn’t pray together if we believed in the same God. So we did. I checked out Islam later out of curiosity and appreciate their traditions. In fact, like many young people, I took a side trip from the Faith during high school and college and looked into other meditative spiritualities like Yoga, Chi Gong, and Buddhism.”

In the process, Mark explored other dangerous choices as well. Today, he reflects on St. Paul’s advice, “Test everything.” When taken out of context, this advice can end in tragedy, especially for young people in today’s culture of “Do it if it feels good!”

“Like many young people, I took a side trip from the Faith during high school and college.”

It was by the grace of God that Mark made it back home alive from these detours. But before Mark returned to Catholicism, his side trips led him to what he recognizes as “some very dark places.” He had to work hard to climb out of the hole he had dug in his late teens.

During Mark’s years in the U.S. Army, including a year’s service in the Middle East, he used his free time to read faith-based books. “Back then, in Iraq and Saudi Arabia, we didn’t have access to U.S. radio programs.” But Mark did have access to the books of EWTN show hosts — Trent Horn, Scott Hahn, Brant Pitre — harbingers of Mark’s return to St. Gabriel Radio.
The words of St. Gabriel Radio in the background of his childhood continued to reverberate in his subconscious as he struggled to find his way as a young man. It became clear to him that all of those practices outside of Christianity lack the essentials — Christ, and His bride, the Church — and the Judeo-Christian ethic.


“I would have called myself an agnostic for a time,” he admits while giving encouragement for others. “When it came time to test these things against the Truth of Christ, St. Gabriel Radio was such a crucial resource for me to find answers anytime I was in the car.”

Mark spent a lot of time reading about the Faith, listening to others talk about faith, and debating faith with people. “On Catholic radio, I listened to one debate between Patrick Madrid and James White on sola scriptura. Patrick Madrid’s argument sold me logically. Then, in a grace-filled, transcendent experience, my heart was opened to the discovery that Christ is the most liberating form of spirituality.

“Returning to Catholicism was the last place I would have imagined myself. It took a lot to get here, both spiritually and mentally. My reversion has been a marathon, and I’m still running my race into the loving arms of Christ.”

In a Lutheran church along the way, Mark connected with his high school sweetheart and they married in a Lutheran service. It was in this Lutheran church that Mark’s heart was convinced of Christianity. But the Lutheran doctrines didn’t ring true for him. He decided that he needed to make a decision and returned wholeheartedly to the Catholic Faith. At the time, his wife didn’t share this interest.

In a grace-filled transcendent experience, my heart was opened to the discovery that Christ is the most liberating form of spirituality.”


“I started listening to Catholic Answers (6-8 P.M. weekdays). That program drew me in to listen to other programs.” Soon, Mark had St. Gabriel Radio on daily. Weekday shows like Called to Communion (2 P.M.), The Doctor Is In (1 P.M.), and Christ is the Answer with Fr. Riccardo (7 A.M.) became favorites. “Dr. David Anders is so graceful and offers so many sources of information. Fr. Riccardo explains Scripture in a way that inspires me.”

While Catholic radio wasn’t the first choice for Mark as a teen, today he believes that the experience that his Dad gave him early on as an active listener and supporter of St. Gabriel Radio led Mark to the support that he needed to turn his life around as an adult. “In retrospect, Dad’s enthusiasm for St. Gabriel Radio gave me a big advantage because, as an adult, I knew where to go for the Truth. Just turn on AM 820,” confirms Mark.

Mark says that his Dad has been deeply influenced by St. Gabriel Radio. His Dad’s example of a faithful Catholic, well-studied convert, involved father, and most importantly a loving husband, made a huge impact on Mark. “I have five brothers and sisters. The whole family prayed the Rosary at night together when I was growing up. Any time I came home late at night as a teen or adult, I would find my parents praying together — and they would invite me to pray with them. Their example led me to a belief in the importance of daily prayer.”

It took courage to put faith in the institution that he now believes Christ started, the Catholic Church. It was hard for his wife to understand the change that she was witnessing, but Mark didn’t give up. “My Faith allowed me to show my wife true sacramental love. My faith and the witness of many great Christian men in my life spurred me to step up as the spiritual leader of our home through prayer, faithfulness, and example.

“My wife entered the Catholic Church after eight years of being unconvinced and three years of arduous discernment. It’s still hard at times. There are cultural and theological differences to get used to. Radio stations like St. Gabriel have been there to keep us grounded through the easy times and hard times.”

Dad’s enthusiasm for St. Gabriel Radio gave me a big advantage because, as an adult, I knew where to go for the Truth.”


Mark wants the Faith to play the most important role in his family’s life, following his parents’ example. “I want my family to have the advantage of lively parish life. I want to continue with my commitment to a meaningful prayer life, RCIA sponsorship, volunteer service, and sharing the Faith with non-Catholics in ecumenical dialogue. I want to invite God into the everyday life of my marriage and family.”

St. Gabriel Radio programs support Mark in living his commitments. “The Doctor Is In with Ray Guarendi gives me insights on parenting and discernment in marriage questions. I’ve even called him. It’s like free counseling! I also like to listen to Take 2 with Jerry and Debbie (12:35 P.M. weekdays).”

“St. Gabriel Radio has great on-air and on-demand programs about things that really matter. The programs aren’t just consumption of information; they’re edifying. St. Gabriel Radio points to the Real ‘Super-Substantial’ food!” Mark concludes with enthusiasm.

Radio Sparks a Mother’s Heart

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Heather MacKinnon avows, “I’m in love with the Lord and the Catholic Faith. It’s all because one day I listened to St. Gabriel Radio on my commute to work.”

In a way, Immaculate Conception parish launched Heather on her radio journey five years ago. “Every time I pulled into the parish parking lot, I saw cars with the AM 820 bumper magnet,” says Heather. “So, when Father Matt Hoover encouraged us to listen to St. Gabriel Radio as a way to grow in our Faith, I thought, ‘I can do that.’”

“When Father Matt Hoover encouraged us to listen to St. Gabriel Radio as a way  to grow in our Faith, I thought,  ‘I can do that.’”

Radio was already a regular part of Heather’s workday commute, so she gave AM 820 a try. “Driving to work back then, I typically tuned in a little after eight a.m. and arrived at work before nine. So, at first, I didn’t know which priest was speaking. He was articulating the Faith in a way that I had never heard growing up as a Catholic.”


“It was easy to set the radio to AM 820 and listening became a morning highlight. I figured out that the priest speaking was Father John Riccardo (7:00 a.m. weekdays) and began searching for his Christ is the Answer podcasts. I am a cradle Catholic and Father Riccardo opened my eyes to the beauty of the Catholic Faith — I discovered things that I had never heard.” A deep prayer life, a relationship with Jesus, the power of Eucharistic Adoration, and the “why” behind our Faith were truths that Heather discovered in her morning drives with St. Gabriel Radio and Father Riccardo.

“What draws me to Father Riccardo is that he is always convicting, never condemning. He removed the scales from my eyes regarding many Catholic teachings. Before, I was definitely a ‘cafeteria Catholic’ and rejected the parts of the Faith that I didn’t agree with. Father Riccardo gently, and sometimes not so gently, explained the truth and the ‘why’ of Jesus’s teachings. I now have zero objections to the Catholic Faith. He also emphasized thinking critically about what the Faith teaches instead of blindly accepting what the popular culture has to offer. He taught me how to see life from God’s perspective instead of the world’s perspective. He talked about the Catholic Faith with humility, opened up the beauty of the Faith, and encouraged me to go deeper.”

“Father Riccardo gently, and sometimes not so gently, explained the truth and the ‘why’ of Jesus’s teachings.”


Heather’s growing love for the Faith has led her to take part in many activities at her parish and within the diocese. She recalls that during her parish’s Alpha program, she had many questions about the Faith. “I grew in courage and began asking questions even if I felt silly. During one session, I blatantly asked, ‘How do you pray?’ In all of my years being a Catholic, I had never learned a way to pray. I discovered by asking the question that many of my table mates didn’t know either. Luckily, the Holy Spirit knew my desire for prayer because soon after that, AM 820 aired Father Riccardo’s three-part session on how to pray!”


Next, she discovered retreats. “A friend shared her story after attending a Damascus women’s retreat and I knew that I had to attend. My encounter was profound. I am so grateful for AM 820 supporting and airing the Beyond Damascus (10:00 a.m. Saturdays) and Damascus Daily Prayer Lab (4:00 p.m. weekdays) podcasts because I don’t have to wait for a retreat to hear more from the amazing leaders at Damascus.”

Heather feels confident that she is becoming a stronger Faith influence within her own family. As a child, she absorbed religion through osmosis in her home in Kent, Ohio. “We went to CCD on weekends and Mass on Sundays with my family. However, we didn’t talk about the Faith, Mass, or homilies after Mass or in the home. When I was growing up, it seemed that there was no hint about where God was directing me. In retrospect, I can see He has always been present in my life.

“Faith in my life and our home is no longer compartmentalized, something to do on Sundays. Now, every night my nine-year-old son and I read a daily devotion. Bedtime has become such a sacred time for us to discuss faith and how Jesus is present in all areas of our lives — both in the hard times and the good times. Many nights, he asks insightful questions that turn into profound and deep conversations. I love that he is learning how to think critically about the Faith. I want my son to grow up hearing about the Truth and Beauty of our Faith.”

Young boy in the St. Gabriel Radio studio with headphones on.


A few years ago, having learned more about Enthronement of the Sacred Heart from Emily Jaminet on the Sacred Heart Hour (8:00 a.m. First Fridays), all three members of the MacKinnon family — mom, dad, and son — enthroned their home to the Sacred Heart. “Together, we participated in all the prayers leading up to the Enthronement. We were so blessed to have Father Matt share dinner with us before he led us through the Enthronement. Our home is changing as the Holy Spirit pours grace into our family.”

Her enthusiasm has spread to her workplace, a family-owned insurance agency. In 2023, she wanted her individual office enthroned — which then led to the entire office being enthroned. Again, Father Matt led sacramentals on her office walls.


Heather’s love for the Faith has an impact in her parish and community, as well. In addition to involvement in small Bible discussion groups and the Rescue Project, she is now following the prompting of the Holy Spirit by starting a high school ministry. “I see how the world is indoctrinating these students. The Lord is calling me to present to them His way for their lives. It will include an intense service component. The students will speak first in every discussion. And it will not include praise and worship music. Honestly, without the Lord prompting me to listen to St. Gabriel Radio, I know that I would not be pursuing this ministry.”

For those interested in learning more about the new High School Hangout at Immaculate Conception, please contact Heather at mackinnonhf@gmail.com.

A few days ago, Heather and another mom took four Immaculate Conception fourth-grade boys to the St. Gabriel Radio station for a tour and to listen to the Divine Mercy Chaplet that her  son’s class had recorded. “The four boys were  so excited to put on the headphones and talk to each other through the microphones! They also heard their Divine Mercy Chaplet as it was being aired on St. Gabriel Radio at 3 p.m. They were astounded and said, ‘Five thousand people will be listening to us!’ I highly encourage parents to schedule a tour with the radio station for their children because St. Gabriel Radio is such a blessing for our community.

“These days, St. Gabriel Radio is always on in the car. Catholic Answers Live (6–8:00 p.m. weekdays) provides a deeper understanding of  the complicated parts of our Faith. I find encouragement in Women of Grace with Johnette Williams (11:00 a.m. weekdays) and Abiding Together (4:00 p.m. weekdays).”

Heather sums up her experience by affirming, “St. Gabriel Radio has had a tremendous impact on my life. It was the catalyst that ultimately led me to discover a personal relationship with Jesus, to make Faith a priority with my husband and son, and to fully embrace the beauty of the Catholic Faith.”

“ I highly encourage parents to schedule a tour with the radio station for their children.”

Bishop-elect Earl Fernandes – Vespers, ordination, and installation

St. Gabriel Radio Coverage:

Solemn Vespers

Monday, May 30
7 – 8 pm – Live coverage from St. Andrews Church, Upper Arlington.

Ordination and Installation Mass

Tuesday, May 31

St. Paul the Apostle Church in Westerville.

Pre-ordination coverage:
1 – 2pm – Bill Messerly, Leo Madden, and Dave Orsborn with special guests.

2 pm – Live coverage of the ordination and installation

Post-ordination coverage:
4:30pm – 5pm St. Gabriel Radio hosts, local clergy members and diocesan representatives

Livestream and Cable Broadcasts:

Solemn Vespers

Monday, May 30, 7pm

Diocese of Columbus YouTube channel:

Diocese of Columbus website:

Ordination and Installation Mass

Tuesday, May 31, 2pm

Diocese of Columbus YouTube channel:

Diocese of Columbus website:


Catholic TV Network:

13th Bishop of The Columbus Diocese is Announced

Listen to the press conference here.

Or watch here:

From the Diocese of Columbus announcement:

“Grateful to Almighty God and to the Blessed Virgin Mary for my vocation and recognizing my own unworthiness, I accepted, with fear and trepidation but also with joy, the appointment by Pope Francis to serve as the 13th bishop of the Diocese of Columbus,” Bishop-elect Fernandes said.  “I thank His Holiness, as well His Excellency Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Apostolic Nuncio, for giving me the opportunity to proclaim the joy of the Gospel in the Diocese of Columbus, the capital of our beloved state of Ohio.

“I look forward to meeting the People of God – the priests, deacons, religious, and lay faithful of the Diocese of Columbus – and to collaborating with them in announcing the joyful Good News and building the Kingdom of God.  I ask for your prayers, not only for me but also for our Diocese, that the Holy Spirit may enkindle in all of us the fire of His Divine Love.  May God grant me the grace to serve His people well and to be an ardent yet gentle shepherd, whose heart is formed after the Heart of Jesus.”

Read the full news release from the Diocese here.

Go to Diocese web pages here.

Share the Light and White for God

share the white and light for God button

Show the light and white for GOD!!  During this difficult time, let us display white ribbons around our trees, lampposts and doors and place a light in our windows.  By doing so we will remind others that Christ is the light of the world. He is the purity, truth, and hope that we long for. So let us boldly show others that God is not forgotten and display a white ribbon in our yards and a light in our windows.  Let it be a holy reminder that we need you God and we love you God!

Both of these ideas were hatched locally.

“I offer you a simple suggestion and extend an invitation to participate in a gesture of hope.
Please consider placing a light in your window at night. You know the kind, the ones we see at Christmas time! That tradition started in the homes of the faithful who were deprived of the Holy Mass because of persecution. They would place a light in the window and would wait for a priest to visit. The traveling priests would know the homes of the faithful by the candle, the light, in the window.” – Fr. Stash Dailey.

The “white” idea came from one of our own board members, Lori Hamrock.

Faith Filled Virtual Opportunities

Smart phone with praying hands for link to faith filled virtual opportunities

Suggestions for living your best faith filled virtual life during the COVID-19 pandemic . This is a dynamic page so check back for more ideas as we collect them.

List of On-Air Masses here.


On St. Gabriel Radio:

Damascus Daily Prayer Lab on air weekdays at 8:14 AM or in our archives.

Rosary: 5:30 AM and 9:30 PM, with Mother Angelica, with Fr. Benedict Groeschel

Divine Mercy Chaplet: On-air 5 AM and 3 PM Divine Mercy in Song, Divine Mercy Chaplet

Marian Consecration Prayers: in our archives.

Around the web:

Pray and hour in the Greater Columbus Right To Life’s Virtual Vigil as part of 40 Days for Life. You’ll find the link to the sign up here: https://www.gcrtl.org/pray.html

On-line perpetual Adoration. Watch livestream of perpetual Adoration anytime. A couple of these have been put on hold, but many are still live. Some will even tell you how many people are viewing with you. https://virtualadoration.home.blog/ 

MAGNIFICAT is now offering complimentary access online www.magnificat.com/free with as many people as you can. Free temporary access is also available in Spanish: www.magnificat.com/gratis.

Magnificat is also making available complimentary access to MagnifiKid. Visit www.magnifikid.com/free

Pray Novenas with 100,000 of others around the world.  https://www.praymorenovenas.com/ 



Hallow (hallow.app) A Catholic meditation app to help you find peace and grow in your spiritual journey

Laudete (Apple iOS) (Android) Laudate includes many awesome resources such as an interactive Rosary, Daily Readings, the Liturgy of the Hours, the Roman Missal changes, and the NAB and Douay-Rheims versions of the bible – all in a simple to navigate layout.

MAGNIFICAT is now offering complimentary access to its iOS and Android Apps throughout May. To register for free access in English, visit www.magnificat.com/free. For free access in Spanish, visit and register at www.magnificat.com/gratis.


Facebook Groups:

Some of these are private and you will have to request access. Most of the time the Admins respond within 24 hours. 

Catholic Parents Who Just Found Out They’re Homeschooling & Quarantined:


Other Ideas:

Light & White:

Light – From Fr. Stash Dailey, paster of Holy Family Columbus, Ohio: I offer you a simple suggestion and extend an invitation to participate in a gesture of hope. Please consider placing a light in your window at night. You know the kind, the ones we see at Christmas time! That tradition started in the homes of the faithful who were deprived of the Holy Mass because of persecution. They would place a light in the window and would wait for a priest to visit. The traveling priests would know the homes of the faithful by the candle, the light, in the window. We live in a moment and time of precaution. The Holy Mass is still offered, the Light of the world is still present among us. Our hunger for the Lord, our confidence in His Mercy and our trust in His love for us may be offered to the world by a simple light in our windows. This darkness will not over take us for we believe in the One who Lives!

Show your faith in God and encourage others in their faith by tying a white ribbon around a tree in your yard. This idea was offered by one of St. Gabriel radio’s board members, Lori Hamrock.


Spiritual Communion Prayer and On-Air Masses

On air Mass schedule

A Spiritual Communion Prayer: Act of Spiritual Communion

Jump to Sunday Mass list.

How to pray the Rosary or the Divine Mercy Chaplet

Daily Masses On-Air:

Listen on St. Gabriel Radio:
12:05 PM weekdays, 8 AM Saturday, from St. Joseph Cathedral, Columbus, Ohio, 8 PM Weekdays, and 7 PM Saturdays from EWTN.


Daily Mass 8 AM, Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Birmingham, Ala. (Encores at noon, 7 PM and midnight). Or watch the most recent Mass at any time of day.

Columbus Diocese:

Church of the Resurrection – (www.cotrna.org) or Facebook at “Church of the Resurrection.”

Columbus Christ the King, Facebook at “Christ the King Columbus“, 7 AM English Mass followed by Rosary, 7PM Mass in Spanish followed by Rosary in Spanish (Rosary livestream starts March 23)

Columbus St. Patrick (stpatrickcolumbus.org)

Columbus St. Catharine – Facebook at “St. Catharine of Siena Church“.

Delaware St. Mary – (www.delawarestmary.org) Stream is live only. 12:05 PM Rosary.

Pickerington St. Elizabeth Seton – (www.setonparish.com/watch).

Westerville St. Paul – Facebook at “St. Paul the Apostle Church.”


Bishop Robert Barron, daily Mass (Word On Fire Daily Mass)

Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mothers of the Eucharist: (YouTube channel)

St. Clement Eucharistic Shrine, watch daily Mass live or recorded: (omvusa.org)

Note: these are just a sampling. Many parishes are livestreaming online you may want to check your parish website. 

Daily readings from the USCCB here.

Sunday Masses:

Here on St. Gabriel Radio:

AM 820 in central Ohio, live stream on stgabrielradio.com, in our free app, or on your Alexa or Google Home:
Sunday Mass 10:30 AM Mass from Columbus’ St. Joseph Cathedral

FM 88.3 in southern Ohio:
10:30 AM Mass from Portsmouth, St. Mary Church

Misa en Español – Archives of La Mega 103.1 FM Sunday’s 10AM livestream.

Internet Streaming Video:

Watch the Mass St. Gabriel Radio streams on radio from St. Joseph Cathedral at 10:30 AM on Sunday at the Diocese’s website: Diocese of Columbus Facebook Page or YouTube Channel

EWTN Sunday Mass Live: 8AM and Noon

Videos of Masses are available at any time on the internet at these parish websites (many parishes are now offering livestreaming check your parish website):

In addition to those listed above in daily Mass section:
Mattingly Settlement St. Mary (stannstmary.org)

Newark, St. Francis de Sales, online with Mass text and music lyrics (stfrancisparish.net) or on Facebook (St. Francis de Sales Newark)

Sunbury St. John Neumann(saintjohnsunbury.org) livestream during Mass times

Where to find the Sunday Mass on Radio and Television from The Catholic Times 


Mass with the Passionist Fathers at 7:30 AM on WWHO-TV (theCW), Channel 53, Columbus.

10:30 AM on WHIZ-TV, Channel 18, Zanesville.

Mass from St. Francis de Sales Seminary, Milwaukee, at 10 AM on WWHOTV. Check local cable system for cable channel listing.

Mass from Our Lady of the Angels Monastery, Birmingham, Ala., at 8 AM on EWTN
Spectrum Channel 385, Insight Channel 382, or WOW Channel 378
(Encores at noon, 7 PM,and midnight).

Mass from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee at 6:30 AM on ION TV
(AT&T U-verse Channel 195, Dish Network Channel 250, or DirecTV Channel 305).

Other Radio:

Mass from Massillon St. Mary Church at 10:30 AM on WILB radio (AM 1060, FM 94.5 and 89.5), Canton,heard in Tuscarawas, Holmes, and Coshocton counties.

Other Faith Filled Virtual Opportunities: here