St. Gabriel in the Family Car

St. Gabriel in the Family Car

As a youngster, Mark was one of the early St. Gabriel Radio listeners. Now, at the age of 26, he recalls, “I grew up listening in the back seat of the family car. My Dad supported the station from the get-go, back in 2005. St. Gabriel Radio was the only station he...

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Diocesan Weekly Radio and Television Mass Schedule

Murals from St. Joseph Cathedral Columbus for on air Mass times on St. Gabriel Radio

Where to find the Sunday Mass on Radio and Television from The Catholic Times 

Here on St. Gabriel Radio:

AM 820 in central Ohio, live stream on, in our free app, or on your Alexa or Google Home:
Sunday Mass 10:30 AM Mass from Columbus’ St. Joseph Cathedral

FM 88.3 in southern Ohio:
10:30 AM Mass from Portsmouth, St. Mary Church


Mass with the Passionist Fathers at 7:30 AM on WWHO-TV (theCW), Channel 53, Columbus.

10:30 AM on WHIZ-TV, Channel 18, Zanesville.

Mass from St. Francis de Sales Seminary, Milwaukee, at 10 AM on WWHOTV. Check local cable system for cable channel listing.

Mass from Our Lady of the Angels Monastery, Birmingham, Ala., at 8 AM on EWTN
Spectrum Channel 385, Insight Channel 382, or WOW Channel 378
(Encores at noon, 7 PM,and midnight).

Mass from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee at 6:30 AM on ION TV
(AT&T U-verse Channel 195, Dish Network Channel 250, or DirecTV Channel 305).

Internet Streaming Video:

Delaware St. Mary:  livestream during Mass times (

Sunbury St. John Neumann: livestream during Mass times at (

St. Clement Eucharistic Shrine, watch daily and Sunday Mass live or recorded: (


Other Radio:

Mass from Massillon St. Mary Church at 10:30 AM on WILB radio (AM 1060, FM 94.5 and 89.5), Canton,heard in Tuscarawas, Holmes, and Coshocton counties.

Daily Mass:

8 PM Weekdays, 7 PM Saturdays, here on St. Gabriel Radio

Mass from Massillon St. Mary Church at 10:30 AM on WILB radio (AM 1060, FM 94.5 and 89.5), Canton,
heard in Tuscarawas, Holmes, and Coshocton counties.

Daily Mass 8 AM, Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Birmingham, Ala. (Encores at noon, 7 PM and midnight). See EWTN above.

Videos of Masses are available at any time on the internet at these parish websites:
Mattingly Settlement St. Mary (
Columbus St. Patrick (
Delaware St. Mary livestream during Mass times (
and livestream during Mass times at Sunbury St. John Neumann(

St. Clement Eucharistic Shrine, watch daily Mass live or recorded: (

We pray Week III, Seasonal Proper, Liturgy of the Hours

Daily readings from the USCCB here.

Merry Christmas 2019

staff of st gabriel radio wishing you a merry christmas


“And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

A very MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family from St. Gabriel Catholic Radio! We are blessed to have such a wonderful and supportive listening community. We pray you have a joy filled and safe holiday.

Bishop Brennans Statement on Shootings

Bishop Robert Brennan has issued this statement regarding the shootings this weekend in El Paso and Dayton.


“The heart-rending trauma suffered this weekend by the people of El Paso and Dayton calls all of us to turn to our Lord for healing and guidance. As those who suffered the loss of loved ones and who are beginning the long journey of recovery from their injuries, losses, and pain, I ask that all in the Diocese of Columbus hold them up in prayer. May all who suffer find healing in our Lord’s loving care.”

Counting our blessings!

We are counting our blessings!

And we’d like to take a moment to THANK YOU for supporting St. Gabriel Catholic Radio – because you make broadcasting to central and southern Ohio possible.

Your prayers, volunteer hours, monetary donations, and your sharing us via bumper stickers and social media – all this helps us reach more souls with solid Catholic programming.

Our sustaining members are the backbone of the radio station’s month-to-month support and we are feeling especially blessed to have that consistent provision for the station.

We give thanks to God always for you all, constantly remembering you in our prayers. (1 Thessalonians 1:2)

Would you like a free bumper sticker to share St. Gabriel Radio? Many of our listeners came to listen to St. Gabriel Radio after seeing a bumper sticker.



Welcoming a Shepherd

St. Gabriel Radio is pleased to bring you a special presentation of Welcoming A Shepherd, an exclusive interview with the 12th Bishop of the Diocese of Columbus, Bishop Robert J. Brennan. Bill Messerly, the executive director of St. Gabriel Radio, sat down with Bishop Brennan at the Chancery of the Columbus Diocese on Tuesday, March 26th.

You can listen to the interview in the St. Gabriel Radio here or in our Special Features archives:

Welcoming A Shepherd- Interview with Bishop Robert J. Brennan


Listen to the Vespers, Installation Mass, and Bishop Robert J. Brennan’s homilies here or in our archives:

Solemn Vespers


Installation Mass


Bishop Robert J. Brennan – Solemn Vespers Homily


Bishop Robert J. Brennan – Installation Homily

We Have A New Bishop!

Installation Mass on Friday, March 29, 2019, will be broadcast LIVE on St. Gabriel Radio and also LIVE on EWTN TV at 2PM EST.

Come join us in studio to watch, listen, and celebrate together! Starting at 1:30 pm at  4673 Winterset Dr, Columbus.

Pray the Novena Prayer for Bishop Robert J. Brennan leading up to his installation on March 29, 2019.

Novena Prayer:

God our Father, Creator of all,
Be always by the side of Your servant Bishop Robert Brennan,
Guide him in his thoughts, words, and actions,
Sustain him as an instrument of Your peace and compassion,
Give him the wisdom and strength to proclaim the truths of the
Gospel by both word and example.

Guide his footsteps so that he may always do Your Will,
Protect him from all evil and harm,
Help him to shepherd the flock of the Diocese of Columbus
and to bring the souls entrusted to his care to salvation.

Help him to convert those who live their lives contrary to the
way of Christ,
And manifest in him Your boundless mercy, Your forgiveness
and kindness.
May he always be filled with Your unfathomable love,
And may he be a vessel for that love to fill the world.

More about Bishop Brennan:

Listen to the press conference here: Bishop Brennan – Press Conference 1/31/2019

The Diocese of Columbus has a new Bishop designate!

The Vatican announced January 31 that Pope Francis has appointed the Most Rev. Robert J. Brennan, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York, as the 12th Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus and has accepted the resignation of the Most. Rev. Frederick F. Campbell.

Father, We thank you for Bishop Fredrick Campbell who has served the Diocese of Columbus with wisdom, love, and peace.

We ask in the name of your Son, that you bless our new Bishop, Robert J. Brennan. Provide him with the gifts he will need to carry on the ministry of Jesus in our diocese.

May we all welcome and assist our new Bishop for the Diocese of Columbus, Bishop Robert J. Brennan!

Here is the official press release from the Diocese of Columbus: Release — Brennan — 190131

Also video greetings!

Novena of Thanksgiving for Bishop Campbell

Please join us daily in praying this Novena of Thanksgiving for Bishop Frederick F. Campbell.

Novena will run on air and in social media February 26, 2019 through March 6, 2019 (Ash Wednesday)


O Lord, our hearts are filled with deep gratitude for Bishop Campbell’s…

Day 1 (2-26):  14 years of faithful service as shepherd to the Columbus Diocese.

Day 2 (2-27):  Dedication and perseverance in zealously teaching the faith.

Day 3 (2-28):  Prayers and teaching to our lay faithful in the many parishes throughout the Diocese of Columbus. 

Day 4 (3-1):  Dedication and support of radio evangelization on St. Gabriel Catholic Radio.  

Day 5 (3-2):  Sacrifice in personally confirming over 50,000 youth men and women in the Diocese of Columbus. 

Day 6 (3-3):  Wise teaching, insight, and love of Christ that he has shared with the grade school and high school students of the Diocese of Columbus.  

Day 7 (3-4):  Prayer-centered leadership and docility to the Holy Spirit as he discerned Your will for the Diocese of Columbus.   

Day 8 (3-5):  Courage and prudence in following God’s will even when it was difficult or unpopular.  

Day 9 (3-6):  Support of vocations and devoted guidance to our priests, deacons, religious, and seminarians. 

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, we thank you for Bishop Campbell’s faithful teaching, loving guidance, and personal sacrifices for the Diocese of Columbus.

O most Sacred Heart of Jesus, burning furnace of divine love, we ask that you inspire us to show our appreciation to Bishop Campbell.  Let him experience the love of God through our prayers, sincere notes of gratitude, and above all else, our witness to a holy life.

O Holy Heart of Jesus, we offer you this Novena Prayer of Thanksgiving, through the merits of your Sacred Heart, for the intentions of Bishop Fredrick F. Campbell.




Enthrone the Sacred Heart in your home or business

What is Enthronement?

      • A ceremony where Jesus is invited into your home, office, or school as an act of homage to Jesus Christ, King of Kings. Jesus is given authority over your family/household/organization.
      • A social recognition of the kingship of Jesus over the home and all of society.
      • An act of reparation to make up for all who have “dethroned” Jesus in our secular world.
      • An event where an image of Our Lord’s Sacred Heart is given a place of honor in the home.

Learn about enthroning the Sacred Heart to protect your home, business, school at Sacred Heart Enthronement.